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Mic Test

2023-01-22 13:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Troubleshooting Guide

So, you found that your microphone is not working after using the microphone test tool. You can use these simple and quick solutions to fix the issue with your microphone.

1. Microphone access blocked

When the microphone access is blocked the tool can never record voice and in the end, you will think that there is some problem with your mic.

Don't worry, you can again allow the permission after skipping or blocking the request. Just go to your browser settings and look for the option to enable microphone access to the site. In the latest browsers, you can see the option directly on the search bar.

Allow from Search Bar 2. Distorted Sound

If you hear distorted or low-quality sound during the playback then there must be too much noise in the background. Try testing by moving to a silent place. If you are at a silent place and still hear noise then there must be some issue internally with the mic.

3. Missing Drivers

Reinstall or update the drivers of your microphone by going to the Device Manager. Sometimes, the microphone does not work because of not proper driver installation. So, make sure it is installed properly.

4. Connection Problem

If you are using an external microphone, then check whether the plug of the mic is plugged in perfectly or not. Also, check for any kind of loose wiring or tear.

5. The microphone is being already used by another application

Close all other applications that are using the microphone then try using the mic test. As in many devices, multiple applications are not allowed to use the microphone at the same time.






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